Dr. Courtney Dookie is a sought-after speaker renowned for his expertise in harnessing the healing power of prayer, forgiveness, emotional intelligence, purpose, mindset, thoughts, and servant leadership.

ABOUT Dr. C. Dookie

Dr Courtney Dookie is a registered psychologist, speaker, and life coach, helping people to find restoration and healing from psychological disorders and trauma using biblical medita­tion. He is the author of five books including, Neuroplasticity: healing the brain from psychological disorders through biblical meditation, Christian Contemplative Meditation Practice: How Biblical Contemplative Practice Facilitates Neuroplasticity in Adults who Have Experienced Developmental Trauma, Mind Restoration & Life Transformation: The Spiritual and Healing Benefits of Biblical Meditation, Seven Brain Benefits of Biblical Meditation for Regulating Emotions During Covid-19, and Love Reset: A Guide to Rekindling Intimacy in Your Relationship



Dr. Dookie has his doctorate in Clinical Psychology and served as a pastor in Eastern Can­ada. He is passionate about helping individuals find true transformation and renewing of their minds. He is the founder of Mind Renewal Ministry and currently serves as a clinical psychologist in his private prac­tice Dookies’ Psychological Services.


Dr Dookie has been providing individuals and couples therapy since 2012. He specializ­es in developmental trauma and addiction therapy (substance use, gambling addiction, gaming addiction, pornography addiction), and mental health therapy (PTSD, depres­sion, anxiety, eating disorder). Other supports he provides include self-esteem, stress management, anger management, holistic counselling (physical, emotional and spiritu­al).



For over 15 years, Dr. Dookie has captivated audiences with his engaging speaking style, delivering keynote addresses, workshops, and seminars on topics ranging from emotional intelligence and servant leadership to the transformative power of forgiveness and the importance of purpose-driven living.


As the co-founder and director of Mind Renewal Ministry, Dr. Dookie is dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full potential, cultivate healthy mindsets, and lead lives of purpose and fulfillment. Through his teachings, writings, and coaching, he continues to empower others to embark on their own journey of personal growth and transformation.



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